Carrie Bickmore breaks down in tears live on air as she reveals major personal achievement: ‘It was like a spiritual journey’

Carrie Bickmore had been training for months to compete in a half marathon at the Great Wall of China.

Described as the ‘marathon adventure of a lifetime’ and involving 5164 stairs and 2500 runners from over 60 nations, Carrie broke down as she revealed on Tuesday that she had completed her dream of taking part in The Great Wall Marathon.

Speaking on the Carrie and Tommy Show on the Hit Network, the 40-year-old broke down in tears as she described the emotional experience. 

‘I don’t even know where to begin – first of all, going to China was an incredible experience in itself. Seeing the Wall – you’re seeing one of the wonders of the world – it was incredible’ she said, becoming tearful. 

‘Seeing the wall and going, “Oh my god, we have to run that”, sort of overwhelmed us. All the adrenaline was there, and we just kept looking at the Wall and going, “Oh God! Oh God!”‘ she said. 

Carrie Bickmore (pictured) had been training for months to compete in a half marathon at the Great Wall of China. Speaking on the Carrie and Tommy Show on the Hit Network, the 40-year-old broke down in tears as she described the emotional experience

Carrie said she was ‘overwhelmed by the beauty of it’ but also ‘by the enormous feat ahead, it was mind-blowingly hard.’

‘You start getting dehydrated, and you start getting shaky. I drank water but every time I had hydrolytes it made me want to spew’ she admitted. 

‘I fell apart at the 15km mark. The locals were beautiful, they gave us sponges to sponge down. We went across the finish line, and it was just incredible.’

Carrie explained how she did the run in honour of one of her Carrie’s Beanies 4 Brain Cancer supporters, Donna, who lost her battle with cancer. 

She went on, on sobbing, ‘Everyone wants to know why we’re doing it for Donna, and so we’re talking to everyone about that. Everyone was just so wonderful to each other. It was like a spiritual journey – I just loved it.’

Carrie said she was 'overwhelmed by the beauty of it' but also 'by the enormous feat ahead, it was mind-blowingly hard'

Carrie said she was ‘overwhelmed by the beauty of it’ but also ‘by the enormous feat ahead, it was mind-blowingly hard’

Described as the 'marathon adventure of a lifetime' and involving 5164 stairs and 2500 runners from over 60 nations, Carrie revealed on Tuesday that she had completed her dream of taking part in The Great Wall Marathon

Described as the ‘marathon adventure of a lifetime’ and involving 5164 stairs and 2500 runners from over 60 nations, Carrie revealed on Tuesday that she had completed her dream of taking part in The Great Wall Marathon

The former Project star was so dedicated to training for the marathon that she had brought a Stairmaster into her studio so that she could continue her workouts while recording the Carrie and Tommy Show with co-host Tommy Little.

Bickmore shared images from a particularly gruelling training run last month which included running up 1000 steps at the Dandenong Ranges.

Last month, the blonde shared the news to her Instagram page that she would be running the iconic landmark.

‘I am running the Great Wall of China. A few months ago I was feeling a little blah and needed something to train towards, so I signed up to run (or crawl) along the Great Wall of China half marathon. (21KMS),’ she said.

‘The clock is ticking and it’s now just 4 weeks away. Yes I’m insane. But sometimes you just gotta say yes first then think of the all the reasons why not to, once it’s too late to pull out.’

Carrie said she likes the idea ‘of pushing herself out of her comfort zone’ and was excited to run the marathon.

‘I am okay if I try it and don’t succeed. I’ll just try again. Plus I feel very lucky that my body in its current state allows me to. So, BECAUSE I CAN, I WILL,’ she added.

‘Set yourself a challenge, even if it’s to learn to run 5K, it’ll give you something to work towards.’

Carrie explained how she did the run in honour of one of her Carrie's Beanies 4 Brain Cancer supporters, Donna, who lost her battle with cancer

Carrie explained how she did the run in honour of one of her Carrie’s Beanies 4 Brain Cancer supporters, Donna, who lost her battle with cancer

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