China science, technology news summary — May 19

BEIJING, May 19 (Xinhua) — The following is a summary of published science and technology news of China.


Chinese scientists have bred new high-quality pig strains, named Lansi pigs, an achievement to help reduce the country’s heavy reliance on foreign pig breeds.

The new pig strains, bred by a research team led by Li Kui from the Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen under the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, have recently been approved by the national livestock and poultry genetic resources committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.


The total output value of China’s satellite navigation and positioning service industry reached 536.2 billion yuan (about 74.2 billion U.S. dollars) in 2023, up 7.09 percent year on year, according to a white paper published Saturday.

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Location Based Services (LBS) Association of China issued this year’s white paper on the development of China’s satellite navigation and positioning service industry.


China’s first intelligent offshore drilling platform was installed on Friday, according to the project team of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation in south China’s Guangdong Province.

The amount of intelligent equipment is three times that of a traditional platform, but the space is reduced by one third. It has a series of powerful functions, such as intelligent production, intelligent drilling, equipment health management, intelligent security, etc., which can improve production efficiency by 20 percent and reduce operation and maintenance costs by 10 percent per year, according to the project team.

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