China science, technology news summary — May 20

BEIJING, May 20 (Xinhua) — The following is a summary of published science and technology news of China.


The four zebrafish kept on China’s Tiangong space station, which is orbiting about 400 km above Earth, are currently in good condition, experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) said Sunday.

The experts revealed details of the latest developments concerning the country’s first in-orbit aquatic ecological research project at a public science day event in Beijing.


China on Monday launched a Long March-2D carrier rocket, sending four satellites into preset orbit.

The rocket lifted off at 11:06 a.m. (Beijing Time) from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in the northern province of Shanxi. The satellite constellation is coded Beijing-3C.


China has built a mid-latitude high-frequency radar network in the country’s northern regions to provide high-quality detection data for global space weather forecast and warning.

The first batch of scientific detection results of the network was released at an international workshop of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network, which opened in Beijing on Monday.

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