China science, technology news summary — May 21

BEIJING, May 21 (Xinhua) — The following is a summary of published science and technology news of China.


China on Tuesday launched the Kuaizhou-11 Y4 carrier rocket from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, sending four new satellites into space.

The commercial rocket blasted off at 12:15 p.m. (Beijing Time) from the launch site.

The four satellites, including the Wuhan-1 satellite and an ultra-low orbit technology test satellite, have entered their planned orbits.


The new iteration of China’s MA-60 weather modification aircraft has been developed to better serve meteorological missions, according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

The A-configuration variant of the MA-60 weather modification aircraft recently completed the airworthiness compliance flight test, said the AVIC, China’s leading aircraft manufacturer.


Chinese researchers have discovered cattle bone powder for the first time in an ancient adhesive of a pottery horse excavated from a tomb that can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (202 B.C.-220 A.D.) in east China.

The findings have been published on the Journal of Cultural Heritage in its May-June volume recently, which provides a reference for the study of ancient adhesives and a scientific basis for the production of ancient pottery, according to the researchers from the School of Cultural Heritage of Northwest University and the Qingzhou Museum of Shandong Province, east China.

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