Jordan conducts 5 airdrops of aid in northern Gaza

AMMAN, May 6 (Xinhua) — The Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army said on Sunday that it has carried out five airdrops of humanitarian and food aid targeting several locations in northern Gaza Strip.

The airdrops included relief and humanitarian aid to support the people in the Gaza Strip, the state-run Petra news agency reported.

The operation involved aircraft from the Royal Jordanian Air Force, Egypt, the United States and Germany.

The armed forces said they will continue to send humanitarian and medical aid via an air bridge whether by flights from the country’s Marka Airport towards El-Arish International Airport in Egypt, airdrops on the Gaza Strip, or land aid convoys.

The Jordanian Armed Forces has conducted 92 airdrops since the start of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as 231 airdrops in collaboration with other countries.

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