Keir Starmer unveils six election pledges as David Cameron’s Bullingdon Club pal backs Labour – latest

Keir Starmer launches Labour election campaign with six pledges to voters

Sir Keir Starmer has launched Labour’s pitch to voters ahead of the general election, unveiling a set of six steps for government.

Slamming 14 years of Conservative government he has vowed to fix the country “without gimmicks or sticky plasters”

Speaking from Essex this morning, he is joined by deputy leader Angela Rayner and Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves.

He vowed to deliver economic stability, cut NHS waiting times, create a new Border Security Command to end criminal boat gangs, and a publicly owned energy provider, to be called Great British Energy.

He promised to tackle on antisocial behaviour, and he will announce the recruitment of 6,500 new teachers.

The chief executive of Boots Sebastian James has endorsed Labour. The Old Etonian friend of Boris Johnson and David Cameron, praised Sir Keir’s focus on economic growth and Britain’s high streets.

It comes as Rishi Sunak launched in his own keynote speech earlier this week where he criticised Labour for fighting based on “Starmer versus Sunak”.

But Sir Keir is convinced that he wants it to be a personal battle between the two men around who is a better candidate to run the country.


‘Being PM impacted on my family,’ Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak revealed being a Prime Minister has negatively impacted his family.

He claims he hasn’t been able to be “as good” a dad or husband as he would like to be.

Asked if it played on his mind, Mr Sunak said: “Yes. I was very fortunate, I was raised in a very loving, tight-knit family.

“I think family is really important, probably the most important thing in all of our lives and not being able to be as good a dad, as good a husband as I would ordinarily like to be, of course it weighs on me.” 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says being on the job has impacted his family (PA Wire)

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 14:05


Watch: Education minister fails to give specific examples of ‘inappropriate teaching’ in schools’ sex education

Gillian Keegan failed to give specific, non-anecdotal evidence that she has seen “inappropriate material” being taught in classrooms as she was grilled on the government’s approach to sex education.

The education secretary told BBC Breakfast: “There have been materials which I’ve seen … things like choosing lots of different genders and identities, and saying which ones of these are gender identities, gender spectrum, it can be a spectrum, it’s fluid, you can have different genders on different days.”

It came after reports that age limits are set to be imposed for the first time on when children can be taught about sex education.

Keegan fails to give specific examples of ‘inappropriate teaching’ in schools

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 13:55


Former Conservative donor backs Sir Keir Starmer

Rob Boughton, who runs one of the biggest developers in the southeast has appeared during Labour’s election pitch.

Mr Boughton, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Thakeham, previously donated nearly £1million to the Conservative party since 2017.

But he is now supporting the Labour party’s bid to “renew Britain”.

Rob Boughton was a guest speaker at Sir Keir Starmer’s speech in Essex (Twitter)

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 13:45


Labour goes on a 48 hour campaign blitz

Labour has set out its target constituencies for a 48-hour campaign blitz.

Following Keir Starmer firing the starting gun on their general election campaign, Labour will splurge its biggest spend on advertising since 2019.

On Thursday and Friday, there will be a series of adverts dropping across the country to mark the launch of Starmer’s first steps for change. 

Shadow cabinet members will also be taking Labour’s message to the country on a series of visits and ad vans in areas such as Wolverhampton, Bassetlaw, Swindon, Leigh, Doncaster, Barnet, Newcastle, Aldershot and Thurrock.

Labour has said to expect to see billboards up and down the country in London, Rochester, Swindon, West Mids, Loughborough, Manchester, Doncaster, Newcastle, Leigh, Bristol, Norwich, Peterborough, Leeds, Darlington, Bolton, Great Yarmouth, Northampton, Mansfield, Burnley, and Stoke on Trent.

All these are seats they have lost to the Tories in the last 15 years and hope to win back.

David Maddox 16 May 2024 13:35


Sunak grilled on ITV’s Loose Women

Rishi Sunak joked that appearing on the show was on the “more intimidating end” of the things he had to do since becoming PM.

He told ITV’s Loose Women programme he will be staying as an MP even if the Conservatives loose the general election.

He said: “Yes of course I am staying. I love being an MP, I love my constituents, I love my home in North Yorkshire, it is wonderful and I love being able to get back there.”

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 13:33


‘A rebranded Labour’

Angela Rayner and Rachel Reeves pose with Labour’s new six-pledge card.

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 13:25


Mortgage possession claims hit a five year high after Liz Truss’s disastrous mini-budget

Warning the new figures show a steep rise in the number of families at risk of losing their homes.

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 13:15


Labour says sex education should be age appropriate

Shadow Education Minister Catherine McKinnell said Labour believed sex education should be “age appropriate, taught in a respectful manner and tailored to the reality of children’s lives”.

But raised concerns on the Government’s new statutory guidance.

She told MPs: “While we’re pleased that the guidance has at last been published, there is deep concern about the lack of consultation with school leaders in developing the guidance so far.”

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 13:05


Labour chief claimed £40,000 expenses to rent house next door

Pat McFadden has allegedly used over £40,000 on expenses for rent on a constituency property.

According to reports, the MP for Wolverhampton South East spent five years using the living arrangement.

He moved out of the property in July 2012, a month before the expenses rules were changes.

The new measures banned MPs from claiming expenses for mortgage interests.

Labour’s national campaign co-ordinator Pat McFadden (PA Wire)

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 12:51


SNP slams Starmer for not mentioning Scotland in speech

The SNP Westminster deputy leader, Mhairi Black says the Labour leader made no mention of Scotland in his campaign launch.

Ms Black said: “On the biggest issues damaging the UK, from austerity cuts to Brexit, the Labour Party is wedded to the same reckless policies as the Tories.

“You can’t stabilise the economy if you are trashing it with Brexit and you can’t deliver strong public services if you are imposing billions of pounds of cuts to our NHS, schools and police.

“The problem for Sir Keir is that he has U-turned on nearly every policy he has ever promised – so it’s little wonder the public don’t trust a single promise he now makes.

“And with no mention of Scotland throughout his speech, it’s clear that Sir Keir Starmer intends to be prime minister for England only.”

Mhairi Black has accused Sir Keir Starmer of being a future prime minister for England only (PA Archive)

Salma Ouaguira16 May 2024 12:34

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