Singapore Airlines tightens safety measures after turbulence incident

BANGKOK, Thailand: Singapore Airlines announced on May 24 new cabin safety measures following a severe turbulence incident that resulted in one fatality and multiple injuries.

From now on, the airline will halt meal services and ensure all cabin crew are seated and buckled when planes encounter turbulence.

The decision comes after a Boeing 777 from London to Singapore encountered extreme turbulence over the Irrawaddy basin on May 21. The turbulence caused the aircraft to descend sharply by 6,000 feet in about three minutes, leading to chaos inside the cabin.

“In addition to the suspension of hot beverage service when the seat belt sign is on, the meal service will also be suspended,” the airline stated. “Crew members will also return to their seats and secure their seat belts when the seat belt sign is on.”

The flight, carrying 211 passengers and 18 crew members, was diverted to Thailand after the incident. Officials believe the turbulence struck during meal service when many passengers were not wearing seat belts. A 73-year-old British man died of a suspected heart attack, and 46 passengers, along with two crew members, were hospitalized.

Passengers described the terrifying experience of the aircraft shuddering violently, with loose items flying around and injured individuals lying on the floor.

Singapore Airlines highlighted its safety measures during adverse weather conditions, including securing loose items in the cabin and galley, advising passengers to return to their seats and fasten seat belts, and assisting passengers who may need help, such as those in the restroom.

“Pilots and cabin crew are aware of the hazards associated with turbulence. They are also trained to assist customers and ensure cabin safety throughout the flight,” the airline stated. “SIA will continue to review our processes as the safety of our passengers and crew is of utmost importance.”

Public records indicate that Singapore Airlines has had six other flights impacted by turbulence in the past two decades, resulting in injuries but no fatalities. Tuesday’s incident is the only one involving a death.

Singapore Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat reported that investigators in Bangkok have retrieved data from the plane’s cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder. “They are going through the data from these two recorders now to be able to ascertain what happened during those moments,” Chee informed local media.

The cause of the severe turbulence remains unclear but is believed to be clear air turbulence, which can occur without visible warning signs. This type of turbulence is often associated with wind shear and can happen near thunderstorms or in clear air due to temperature and pressure differences.

Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, where most of the injured were treated, reported that the 48 people still hospitalized have injuries ranging from spinal damage and brain injuries to fractures and internal organ damage. Twenty people remain in intensive care, although none are in life-threatening condition. The injured include individuals from Britain, Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

Singapore Airlines CEO Goh Choon Phong apologized and pledged to cooperate fully with the investigation. He has also visited the hospitalized passengers to offer support.

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